Our school took part in this year's Gronau/Epe secondary school relay swim on 21.02.2025. It was a great event in which our pupils enjoyed taking part. We are already looking forward to the relay swim in the summer.
This year, the young WvSG Robotics team from Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium, led by Heike Demming and coach Liv Günner (EF), was once again successful at the First Lego League competition in Lingen.
The first hiking day of the school year took place today, Thursday. Some classes and year groups went bowling in Enschede, for example, while the ninth form went to the DASA working world exhibition in Dortmund or to the emigration center in Bremerhaven. The seventh classes also ...
The talent scouting program of Münster University of Applied Sciences has concluded the first three cooperation agreements with schools in the Münsterland region, thus sealing the long-term cooperation with the schools. Our school is also involved! Münster University of Applied Sciences reports on this:
The WvSG hosted the girls' handball school teams in competition class II (2008-2010) in the Borken district in sports hall 2. The Jodocus Nünning Gesamtschule Borken, the Remigianum Borken and the Georgianum Vreden traveled to the event and together ...
The boys' handball school team has reached the third round in competition class III (born between 2010 and 2012). After the 36:29 victory against the representative of the Bottrop district, Josef-Albers-Gymnasium, our team can now represent the Borken district at district level. (BUS)
Some students from the 9th and 10th grades spent a fun afternoon playing bingo with the residents of the Bethesda senior center just before Christmas. And because the atmosphere was so good, there were spontaneous singing interludes, which led to everyone singing out loud together.
The annual sixth form volleyball tournament brought exciting games and a great atmosphere to the sports hall. After many hard-fought games, the teachers' team finally came out on top and secured first place. Second place went to a team from the introductory phase, which won with ...
In an Advent atmosphere, many of our pupils contributed to a cheerful St. Nicholas celebration at the Bethesda senior center. This year, Louisa Althaus, Lina Brefeld, Elisabeth Burike, Pauline Burike, Josephine Heinrichs and Clara Hollekamp (all 6a) danced a self-invented ...
Our boys played a great and above all successful tournament in competition class III (2010-2012), which also crowned us district champions. After a narrow opening victory against Remigianum Borken (16:15), we were also able to beat Sekundarschule Vreden ...
Once again this year, the student council rang in the pre-Christmas season with the now traditional putting up of the Christmas tree. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Weiß for once again providing the tree. By the way, the tree is ...
On November 8, it was time again: the "puzzle challenge" for grades 5 and 6 started at 4 pm. Ms. Demming, actively supported by Ms. Suilmann and Ms. Müller-Wenderdel, had brought along her large collection of IQ puzzles and so thirty puzzle enthusiasts ...
Whether as a Christmas, Secret Santa or birthday present, or for yourself and your thirst: the new drinking bottles (stainless steel, 500 ml) with the school logo have recently become available for €15. The bottles are available from SV members, Ms. Springer or Mr. Busch.
Is a degree course suitable for me? How do I find a suitable course of study? And how does studying actually work? With these or similar questions, the Q2 set off for Münster on November 14 to take part in this year's University Day and get an idea of the university's ...
Mr. Wanning from the Borken police explained this to the seventh graders in the 3rd & 4th period on 04.11.2024, who gave a presentation on bullying on the Internet in the assembly hall. All four 7th graders were present and paid attention to the presentation.
For a whole school day, the student council was able to devote itself to new and existing projects, as well as get to know new members and familiarize them with the work of the student council.
In smaller project groups, we were able to redesign the common room or student council room (see photo below), create a ...
On October 8 and 9, the seventh grade students took part in the Body & Grips prevention initiative directly at our school. There were a total of 15 stations where the pupils were given a playful introduction to topics such as exercise, nutrition, sexuality, addiction and body and mind.
Recently, our long-standing and much-loved Dr. Fleischer took his well-deserved retirement. The school community will certainly miss his communicative and sometimes talkative manner.
Ms. Dieste and Mr. Hamp were also bid farewell. Both have ...
The new student representative team has been elected: Sophia Böckers (center) was elected student representative at the student council meeting. The team is strengthened by the two representatives Eva Oberkalkofen (left) and Jaris Hollenborg (right). Together they will represent the ...
Mr. Daniel Geukes will take over the position of Deputy Headmaster at Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium in the 2024/2025 school year, replacing his long-time colleague Burkhard Kleinke, who has retired.
In the 2023/24 school year, the class winners of years 5-8 also started the English department's reading competition with a lot of motivation and courage to read expressively.
On 28.02.2024, Ms. Westermann's advanced biology course had the opportunity to take part in a neurobiology seminar held by Professor Brandt, Chair of Neurobiology at the University of Osnabrück, in Ahaus at the Irena Sendler Comprehensive School.
Annika Jansen from Q2 successfully passed the second round of the International Biology Olympiad, taking first place in NRW and fourth place in Germany.
Two students, Timo and Constantin (Year 10), had the opportunity to meet the youngest member of the Bundestag, Emily Vontz, in Berlin. Timo reports on this event below.
On 7.8.23, the new Year 5 pupils started at the WvSG. After a solemn ecumenical service and a welcome in the assembly hall, the children in classes 5a-d began a three-day familiarization programme with their new class teachers.
The new student representative team has been elected: Carla Leuderalbert (center) was elected student representative at the student council meeting. The team is strengthened by the two representatives Sophia Böckers (right) and Eva Oberkalkofen (left). Together they will represent the ...
After a Corona break, the Hungary exchange was successfully revived this year. 17 students from grades 9 to Q2 and three teachers went to Hungary from 24.09.2023 to 29.09.2023.