Election of the EU Parliament 2024

Election arena for the European elections at the WvSG

A special school event took place in the auditorium of the Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium on Tuesday. Seven parties running in the EU Parliament elections on 9 June 2024 had agreed to come to the "election arena" to present their programs to first-time voters over the age of 16 and answer questions.

Unfortunately, Ludwig Degmayer was unable to attend on behalf of the Free Voters due to the flooding in southern Germany. Die Linke" also canceled its participation at short notice. Nevertheless, five parties took part in the event: CDU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, AfD and FDP. The discussion was moderated by Susanne Reinhoffer, EU local councillor for the town of Gronau.

The party representatives, Martina Schrage (CDU), Madita Fester (SPD), Dr. Robin Korte (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Florian Elixmann (AfD) and Sebastian Brunnert (FDP), answered the sometimes critical questions of the pupils from Driland-Kolleg, Euregio-Gesamtschule, Gesamtschule Gronau and Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium.

The questions and discussions focused in particular on peace and security policy as well as climate policy. 90 minutes were quickly over. The event was followed by lively one-on-one discussions with the candidates.

The Stadtjugendring and the Jugendschülerparlament supported the event with a generous donation of €800.

WDR was also present, the report was broadcast on Lokalzeit on 06.06.2024 and is available in the media library: First-time voters discuss with politicians in Gronau (Min. 7) (Ksn)