International encounters - Our partner schools

Recent years have shown that the focus of foreign language teaching is changing. Increasingly, successful intercultural competence is in demand, moving away from learning mere communication skills. We see international encounters as a relevant part of our educational work, not only because of our school's location in a border town, but also because of the increasing internationalization of many professional fields.

During an exchange, our students can not only expand and deepen their own foreign language skills, but also strengthen their emotional and social skills. We are convinced that the insight into everyday school life as well as life in host families offers a positive, enriching, intercultural experience that cannot be conveyed in this way in normal lessons.

Therefore, our school has regular exchange programs with the following schools:

Collège St. Joseph, Fontenay le Comte (France)

De Waerdenborch, Goor (Netherlands)

Petöfi-Sándor-Gimnazium, Mezöberény (Hungary)

  • Fancy going abroad?

    A polar bear cub sits in a kangaroo mother's pouch in Australia and whimpers: "Stupid swinging. I feel sick!" Thousands of kilometers away, in Greenland, a kangaroo cub sits on an ice floe and whines: "I'm cold! Stupid school exchange!"

    It doesn't have to be like this, but it does require timely planning (approx. one year before the planned stay). We support students who want to plan and carry out a stay abroad in the upper secondary school. Below you will find some important information on the subject.

  • When and for how long should you go abroad?

    One year:

    Alternative 1: One year after year 9 (end of Sek I); only for high-achieving students (VV 4.21 to § 4 APO-GOSt); entry after returning to Q1; intermediate school leaving certificate after Q1

    Alternative 2: One year after 9th grade (end of secondary school I); entry after returning to EF

    Alternative 3: One year after EF; start after returning to Q1

    Half a year:
    In the case of half-yearly stays abroad, the school career is continued in the following semester after return.

    Alternative 1: Semester EF: intermediate school leaving certificate at the end of EF

    Alternative 2: Semester EF: Acquisition of the intermediate school leaving certificate after successful completion of Q1

    Please also note:

    The time students spend abroad is counted towards the time they spend in the upper school.
    Students must catch up on missed lessons independently.
    It is not possible to recognize foreign educational certificates.
    In addition, students must attend a general education school; language schools do not count.

  • Can the Latinum be acquired despite a stay abroad?

    In the case of a stay abroad in the 1st semester of the EF, the Latinum can be acquired through successful participation (minimum grade sufficient) in Latin lessons in the second semester.

    In the case of a full-year stay, an "examination in accordance with the requirements for an 'extension examination to the Abitur certificate' (RdErl. dated April 2, 1985, BASS 19-33 No. 3)" can be taken. "The candidates shall be registered by the school management with the higher school supervisory authority by February 1 of the school year in which the examination takes place at the latest. The examination comprises a three-hour written examination and an oral examination lasting 15 to 20 minutes. The written examination tasks are set centrally and are corrected and assessed by a subject teacher at the school. The oral examination is conducted by the school. Topics and authors are named each year in preparation for the examination. Preparation for the examination is the responsibility of the candidates and their parents/guardians. The school advises the pupils on this. There is no entitlement to additional lessons."(

  • How and where?

    Whether Australia, America, Ireland, Great Britain, France or Spain, there are many opportunities to go abroad.

    However, individual exchanges are not organized through or by the school. There are many commercial providers who specialize in student stays abroad; in addition, some institutions and organizations award full or partial scholarships (e.g. partnership programme of the German Bundestag, the German High School Association, Düsseldorf District Government, Lions Club Gronau).

  • What preparations need to be made at the WvSG?

    Leave of absence:

    An application for leave of absence must be submitted to the school management via the secretary's office in good time.

    Letter of recommendation:
    Most organizations/schools abroad would like to receive a letter of recommendation from a teacher (usually the English teacher or class teacher). Please contact your child's class teacher and English teacher well in advance so that there is enough time to write the letter of recommendation.

    Good to know...

    Individual advice for parents and/or pupils is possible at any time by prior appointment (preferably via your daughter or son). There is also a brochure stand in front of room E.11 with information brochures from various providers, which you are welcome to help yourself to.