Missed lessons

  • All pupils are obliged to arrive punctually for lessons and to attend lessons regularly.
  • After missing lessons, a written "excuse" (explanation of the reason for absence) must be submitted to the head of the level no later than the second day of lessons after resuming school attendance. The appropriate form (reason for absence, date and signature(s)) must be used for this purpose. In the case of absences of more than two days, the level leader must be informed.
  • Medical appointments etc. are to be arranged outside lesson times if this is possible. If this is not possible, a leave of absence (see 5.) must be applied for. If a visit to the doctor is unavoidable due to acute health problems during school hours, a doctor's certificate must be submitted.
  • Leave of absence for important private or health reasons must be requested in writing at the earliest possible time and must be sufficiently justified. The head of the level decides on leaves of absence up to two teaching days, for leaves of absence of longer duration (or for days before or after vacation days) the head of the school.
  • If a pupil is unable to attend the day's lessons due to acute health problems, he/she should inform the subject teacher of the next lesson. He/she must also sign out at the secretary's office. This does not affect the submission of an excuse or the use of the excuse card. Note for afternoon lessons(sports, etc.): If a pupil was present in the morning but misses lessons in the afternoon, an unexcused absence is assumed if the above points are not taken into account.