OGS News

OGS up to date

OGS rules have been revised

As a separate project, the second-year children redesigned our OGS rules.
There is a photo for each simply worded rule so that children who are just learning to read are also aware of them.

Thank you to Lina and the second-year OGS children for doing this project and explaining it so well to the whole OGS 💪!

Research group under new management

After Mareen Tillmann moved on to her year of recognition as an educator, Tobias Bürger took over the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" (Little Scientists' House) working group this school year.
Initially, the children can get a taste of the program, but after the autumn vacations this working group will start with a permanent group.
We would like to thank Tobias Bürger for his voluntary work for our OGS.

OGS Olympics

Our OGS Olympics kicked off on the large school playground in beautiful summer weather.
Four mixed teams had a lot of fun with egg races, water scooping, tennis ball competitions and simply "being outside together".

Many thanks to everyone for this wonderful afternoon ☀️!

"A warm welcome" to our new OGS children

We welcomed our new children with warm wishes.
Each new child has been assigned a godparent to help with any questions or problems.

As a symbol that everyone is very welcome, the godparents made a beautiful heart ❤️ for their respective godchild.

Thank you for being here!