Overberg from A-Z


Overberg from A-Z


Current addresses/telephone numbers
Your current addresses and telephone numbers are very important to us - especially in emergencies. Please inform the school immediately of any changes.

"Traffic light system"
A "traffic light system" is used in all classes. If children do not comply with the class and/or school rules, they are moved down a level on the traffic light. This makes it clear to the children why, if they disrupt the school day several times, they may have to leave the class to learn in another room.

Stopping/parking in front of the school entrance
Please observe the no-stopping rule. Stopping/parking in front of the school gates and the entrance by the bicycle stands poses a great danger to our pupils. Why? Every car obstructs the children's view of the road. In addition, maneuvering cars endanger the pupils. Please do not block residents' driveways. Please make sure that the children get out of the car on the sidewalk.

"Antolin" is an Internet service (www.antolin.de) where pupils are asked to answer questions about a book they have read or texts from the reading book. The class teacher registers the children and issues the access data. The program can then also be worked on at home.

Study groups
Study groups are set up with the financial support of the Förderverein in order to promote the inclinations, interests and special talents of our pupils.

Assembly hall
Our assembly hall has been set up on the upper floor of our old building. This is where the main events of our school life take place: Information evenings, student theater, church services, events for students, teachers and parents, etc.


Accompanying first graders to school
Accompanying first graders to school in the first few weeks of school makes a lot of sense. You should explain the route to school to your child in detail (if possible before they start school), take the same, safe route again and again, point out danger spots and practice the correct behavior in traffic together with your child. The guidance usually ends at the school gate.

Guidance at our school
Guidance at our school takes place in various ways. Pupils are given help and tips during lessons and receive feedback for further work after learning target assessments. Parents can obtain information as required during the teachers' weekly consultation hours or on parents' consultation days. We can also establish contact with the Caritas counseling center and the regional school counseling center for the Borken district.

Supervision outside school hours
Our pupils are supervised when the school buses arrive (from around 7.30 a.m.). For the time after school, supervision is offered in the OGS and ÜMI (see OGS, see ÜMI).

Leave of absence / release from lessons during school hours
Leave of absence during school hours is possible, e.g. for weddings, anniversaries, birth, death, serious illness, religious holidays and similar. Please submit a request to the class teacher or head teacher as early as possible or arrange an appointment.

Movement-friendly school
Our school has been recognized as a "movement-friendly school". We know that movement and learning are connected. That is why we attach great importance to movement breaks during lessons and play opportunities during breaks and in the afternoon. Our schoolyard is equipped with many exercise areas, climbing facilities and play areas. This allows us to accommodate our pupils' urge to move.


Pupils should learn how to use computers sensibly and apply the skills they have acquired sensibly and responsibly. Pupils use learning programs to train in various learning areas. Internet-enabled computers are available in our computer room. Our school's media concept shows what the children should have learned on the computer by the end of primary school.


Dyscalculia / dyscalculia
There are pupils who have particular difficulties in the area of mathematics. If the learning difficulties cannot be remedied by general support measures (directly in class or in remedial lessons), additional support will be organized in consultation with the parents if possible. Extracurricular specialists may also be called in (school psychological counseling center, therapists, etc.). Information can be obtained from the school management.


School enrollment
Our new pupils should not arrive at school unprepared. That's why we organize events (partly in consultation with the local daycare centres) long before the start of school to provide information and get to know them, e.g: School registration and "school enrolment course" contacts and exchange of information with the daycare centers, visits to our school by the kindergarten groups, get-to-know-you afternoon before the summer vacations for the upcoming first graders.

Parent information
A lot of information is provided via "SchoolFox". Our homepage also provides an overview of our school's activities and dates. Parents receive an overview of dates at the beginning of each semester.

Parent-teacher conferences
Parent-teacher conferences take place twice a year (in the fall and spring). Parents must inform the school by 7.50 a.m. if their child is unable to attend lessons.


Remedial teaching
Remedial teaching should benefit all pupils. It helps to ensure that all children receive the best possible support at their performance level, even if they have learning difficulties. It is held in small groups or in class.

The "Förderverein der Bernhard-Overberg-Schule zu Gronau- Epe e.V." was founded in 1987 on the initiative of parents. Its aim is to promote our school's educational work through activities and financial support. Since the 2008/2009 school year, the association has also taken over the sponsorship of the open all-day school (OGS). The minimum annual membership fee is €12, with no upper limit. Donations can also be made to the association independently of membership. If you would like to join the association, please contact the school management.

Free work
In free work phases, pupils should learn to choose their own tasks and be responsible for completing them themselves. In recent years, school festival proceeds and donations from the Förderverein have repeatedly enabled us to purchase new materials for free work.

Lost property
All lost property is handed in to the staff room or the janitor. If we are unable to identify them, they are stored in the "lost property box" (in the lower corridor). Twice a school year, all lost property is put on display. We then donate the leftover clothing to a charitable cause.


Homework supplements the work at school and is regularly assigned and written down. The amount of homework and the level of difficulty can vary from class to class. Children are not given homework on Fridays. If your child is unable to complete the homework independently, please write a note to this effect in your child's school planner. In the OGS, homework is done under supervision; in the ÜMI, children are given the opportunity to do their homework under supervision. Parents are still responsible for checking that homework is correct and complete.

Homepage of the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule
Our school has its own homepage where we can provide up-to-date information about our school. In addition to information about the school, photos and schedules can be accessed here. We would be very pleased to receive suggestions for improvement.


We aspire to be a school where everyone is important, everyone is welcome and the diversity of the teaching staff, educational staff, parents and children is seen as an opportunity. Children with special educational needs are also taught in joint lessons.

Integration staff
Integration staff/school assistants support individual children in coping with their everyday school life.


Class excursions/class trips
Our pupils go on an excursion at least once a year. Destinations include the zoo in Rheine, Bentheim Castle or the Borken district. Some of the 4th grade classes also go on trips lasting several days.

Class teachers
The class teachers are important reference persons for our pupils. Each class also has a deputy class teacher who stands in for the class teacher in the event of illness and ensures that lessons continue.

Class council
At the beginning of each school semester, the parents of the class meet for a class council meeting. This is where the content of the lessons is presented and class activities are discussed (excursions, class parties, etc.). Good cooperation between home and school is an important prerequisite for optimal learning for every child.


Teaching and learning materials
Teaching and learning materials are largely provided by the school. They are intended to ensure that pupils can learn and understand in a variety of ways. Some textbooks must be paid for by parents (statutory requirement) and the current parental contribution is €12 per year. All books must be provided with a cover and treated with care.

Performance assessment
Pupils at our school are slowly prepared for the assessment of their performance at school. In the first and second school years, pupils' performance is described without the use of grades. Not only results, but also efforts and learning progress are assessed as performance. In years 3 and 4, learning target assessments in mathematics and German are graded. We coordinate the performance requirements on the basis of our school program and taking into account the "competence expectations" in the NRW curricula for the individual subjects at grade level.

Learning workshop
Our learning workshop, which began its work at the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule in February 1995, sees itself as an educational facility for teachers from our own and other elementary school in the Gronau and Epe area. You can find the current training courses on our school website.

Even in the "media age", we want to encourage pupils to read. We believe that reading will continue to be an indispensable cultural technique in the future. Volunteers provide us with valuable help time and again. In recent years, we have set up a school library specially geared towards the "Antolin" internet program, which is accessible to every pupil and for which we have been able to purchase many media (also with the help of the Förderverein), e.g. themed boxes with factual books and reading boxes. The "Teachers read aloud" campaign takes place at our school at regular intervals. Book boxes, which we were able to purchase with the financial support of the Förderverein, are available for the classes to borrow and are differentiated according to reading level. Efforts at school can be significantly supported if reading is also encouraged at home.

Reading and spelling difficulties (LRS)
There are pupils who have particular difficulties in learning to read and spell. If the learning difficulties cannot be remedied by general support measures (directly in class or in remedial lessons), additional support will be organized in consultation with the parents if possible. Extracurricular specialists may also be called in (school psychological counseling center, therapists, etc.). Information can be obtained from the school management.


OGS (open all-day school)
Our school has been an "open all-day school" since 2008. The support association took over the sponsorship of the open all-day school. Special rooms have been set up for this group. A team is available to accompany our pupils after school until 4 p.m. (until 3 p.m. on Fridays), supervise homework, organize lunch and offer various activities. Parents must register their child or children for this group for one year at a time. Further information can be found on our homepage or can be obtained from the school management or the OGS staff.


Break times
During the breaks, pupils have the opportunity to take part in a variety of play and sports activities. Our school playground is equipped for children. Children can borrow play and sports equipment during the breaks. This allows the break to be used in an educationally meaningful way. Our school playground offers many opportunities to move and play.

Recess helpers
The children in Year 3 can train to become "recess helpers". After social training and practising various methods, they can be deployed as mediators during the breaks.

Partner classes
Years 1 and 3 and Years 2 and 4 form partner classes. In the first few days of school, for example, the new pupils get to know the school building and school procedures together with a mentor. Further joint activities follow in the course of the school year.


Cycling education
Cycling education starts at an early age so that children can become safe road users. From the first school year onwards, our pupils take part in the "Youth Traffic School" lessons several times a year. A truck with a wide range of practice materials is parked in our schoolyard and a traffic educator trains them in roadworthy behavior. In subject lessons, children are prepared for the cycling test, which concludes with a practical road traffic test in year 4. This training takes place in the school playground and in traffic. Parental support is essential for this. Bicycles are checked once a year in cooperation with the police.

Withdrawal to the next lower class
Withdrawal to the next lower class sometimes makes sense and can be requested by parents if pupils are unable to participate successfully in lessons. If parents and school work together for the benefit of the child, no child needs to "stay behind"!


SchoolFox is an app for smartphones and computers that parents and teachers can use to exchange messages, pictures and documents at our school. Children can be reported sick and emergency contacts can be exchanged. When new children join our school, parents are given the login details for SchoolFox.

School district

The school districts for the elementary school have been abolished. Parents are free to choose their elementary school. They have the right to enroll at the elementary school closest to their home.

School library
There is a school library ("Leseinsel") in the school. Every pupil can borrow a book according to their interests and learning level. In recent years, we have increasingly included books that are suitable for the internet program "Antolin", which the children can work with in the computer room.

School bus/taxi
Pupils who have to walk more than 2 km to the nearest school are transported free of charge by school bus or cab. Entitlement cards are available from the class teacher at the beginning of each school year.

School entry phase
In accordance with the Education Act, the school entry phase comprises years 1 and 2. It is intended to offer the greatest possible individual support for each child. The duration of the school entry phase is 1-3 years. Every four years, parents, teachers, pupils and the staff of the OGS and ÜMI jointly organize a school festival. If possible, every pupil at our school should be able to experience a school festival during their primary school years.

School church services
An ecumenical church service is held once a month for our pupils in our assembly hall. The new pupils celebrate the start of their school year with a word service in the Catholic church. At the beginning and end of the school year, a service is held for all pupils in the Catholic church. We celebrate the final church service for our fourth graders in the Protestant church.

School conference
The school conference at our school consists of six parent representatives and six teacher representatives. Chaired by the principal, the school conference discusses and decides on important matters relating to the school and school life.Student parliamentThe class representatives of all classes and the representatives of the OGS student council meet regularly with the principal at the student parliament. This is where concerns from the individual classes are discussed and pupils' wishes and suggestions are taken on board.

School council
The class council chairs of all classes meet twice a year (or more often if required), discuss matters relating to the school and school life and are informed about school matters by the school management.

School planner
Since the 2019/2020 school year, a mandatory school planner has been introduced for all children. This school planner summarizes important information and agreements at our school. The children regularly write down their homework in this booklet. The costs are partly covered by the parents and partly by the Förderverein.

School program
Our school has further developed its school program in recent years. Our school program describes the fundamental pedagogical goals of our school, the paths that lead to them and procedures that monitor and evaluate the achievement of these goals. With this instrument of communication and cooperation within the school, we aim above all to ensure the quality of our educational work.

School crossing patrols
Some volunteer parents take it in turns to stand by the road in front of the school gate and help the children to cross the road safely.
Secretary's office

Our secretary is Ms. Birgit Perrevort. Our secretary's office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7.45 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Sports festival
A sports festival is held at our school every year. Among other things, the disciplines of the national youth games are offered here and the pupils can take individual achievements for the sports badge.

Physical education / swimming
Physical education takes place in our affiliated sports hall or on our sports grounds. Sportswear is required. Up to three hours of PE are taught per week. Our pupils are taken by bus to swimming lessons. The classes take part in swimming lessons alternately (in the 2nd and 4th school year). Swimming badges can also be obtained here.

Teacher consultation hours
All teachers offer consultation hours. Individual appointments can be made at any time.

7.55: Start of the school day
1. Lesson: 8.00 to 8.45
2nd lesson: 8.45 to 9.30 followed by a 15-minute break and 10-minute breakfast break
3rd lesson: 9.55 to 10.30 Lesson: 9.55 to 10.40 10 minute break
4. Lesson:10.50 to 11.35 10 minute break
5. Lesson:11.45 to 12.30
6th lesson:12.30 to 13.15


Transition guidance (for secondary schools)
After completing primary school, every pupil should attend the secondary school for which they are suited according to their learning ability. For this decision, we offer our advisory service, which provides the following offer for parents of fourth year pupils: Information evening for parents in the first half of the year, individual advice on the transition before Christmas, opportunity to discuss the half-year report and the recommendation for secondary school contained therein.

The parents' association "Schülerbetreuung an der Overbergschule Epe e. V." was founded for working parents who need childcare for their children. This association offers childcare for your child at the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule Epe. The ÜMI is open on all school days from Monday to Friday from 11.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. and also from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. during the vacations. During this time, the children have the opportunity to do their homework in quiet rooms under the supervision of our experienced supervisors, as well as to do handicrafts, paint, play, ... Further information can be found on our homepage or can be obtained from the school management or the ÜMI staff.

Accidents on school mornings
In the event of accidents, first aid measures are initiated immediately if necessary. There is first aid material, a rescue box for dental accidents and a stretcher in the janitor's room. In an emergency, the ambulance will be called; parents will be informed immediately. If the parents cannot be reached, the pupil will be accompanied by a teacher to the hospital or dentist. If a child has to go home early due to nausea or similar, he/she must be picked up. They may not go home alone.

Lessons include German, general studies, mathematics, English, sport, music, art/textile design, religious education and remedial lessons.


Comparative tests
In addition to the learning target assessments, we carry out mandatory "comparative tests" in the subjects German and mathematics in year 3 on the basis of a nationwide concept (VERA). The results are presented to the co-determination committees.


The class/promotion conference, which is chaired by the head teacher and includes the teachers of the class, decides on promotion. Every child who is expected to be able to successfully participate in lessons in the next class is also promoted (see withdrawal).

All children are insured by Unfallkasse NRW on the (direct) way to school and at school. There is also insurance cover for damage to property and loss of belongings at school (checkroom). In the event of damage, parents can obtain information from the school office or the school management.


Report cards
Pupils in Years 1 and 2 receive their report cards without grades at the end of the school year. Pupils in Years 3 and 4 receive reports at the end of the school semester and at the end of the school year. The report cards for grades 1 to 3 contain information in the form of a grid report on the development in work and social behavior as well as on the learning development and the performance level in the subjects. In addition to the grades, the report cards for year 4 also contain a reasoned recommendation for secondary school in the first semester. The report at the end of primary school is a pure grade report.

Circus project
Every four years, our school holds a project week on the subject of "circus". A pedagogically trained circus family sets up a large circus tent and the children learn all kinds of tricks. The week ends with a big performance.

Cooperation with parents
We strive for positive and trusting cooperation with parents for the benefit of every child entrusted to us. Parental involvement can enrich school life in particular and should not be limited to parents' evenings. Class and school activities offer many opportunities for parental involvement.