
New break helpers

This year, some children from the third year have been trained as new break helpers. Today, the new break helpers were introduced to all the children. The "old" break helpers were also allowed to take to the stage and explain what tasks a break helper has. There was much applause and at the end each new break helper received a certificate.

Our break helpers


We also had to say goodbye to our trainee teacher Ms. Kieke. She is now a qualified teacher and can start at a new school. We wish her all the best too!


Today we had to say goodbye to our long-time school companion Ms. Miethe. We wish her all the best for the future!

It was our janitor's birthday!

Carnival 2024

Award ceremony

Mrs. Niesing from the Nature Promotion Society was at our school today, 30.1.2024, to award a prize to the third classes. Last fall, both classes studied plants along the wayside in science class and created a herbarium with more than 20 different plants. This competition entry has now been awarded the main prize. Both classes were allowed to travel to Frankenhof and spend a morning there. Following the award ceremony, all the children were able to make several seed balls from soil, clay, water and wildflower seeds. These now have to dry and can be sown outdoors from April.

Big movie days possible thanks to sponsorship association

This year, the entire school community at Bernhard-Overberg-Schule took part in the school cinema weeks, a nationwide film education program. This was made possible by the school's support association, which provided financial support for all the children. They all took the train to Gronau main station. This was also an exciting first experience for many of the children. In Gronau's Cinetech cinema, individual year groups watched selected films that were then discussed further in class.

Year 2 of the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule in front of the Gronau cinema.

Video recordings with Dennis and Dennis on 8.1.2024

As part of the Kulturstrolche project, Dennis Buss and Dennis Mätzig were at our school and made sound and film recordings with the 3a and 3b classes. Together with the other Kulturstrolche classes in Gronau, they will create a music video that will soon be available on YouTube.

Open singing on 20.12.2023

On the last day of school, Years 1 and 3 and then Years 2 and 4 met with their parents in the gymnasium. There they sang together and all classes had prepared a short performance. The Förderverein offered the waiting parents coffee and cookies in the foyer between the two performances.

Dental health campaign

In the last two weeks, the dental health campaign took place at our school. Each class had two lessons on the topic of healthy teeth. At various stations, the children learned about teeth, the structure of a tooth, how to brush teeth properly and much more.

Bicycle inspection by the police

Today it was that time again: the police were there to check all the bikes to see if the lights and brakes were working.

Light tractor

Colorfully decorated with countless lights, Christmas trees, snowmen and Santas, several tractors awaited us all in the schoolyard this morning. There was a lot to marvel at!

Collection of the Christmas parcels

Advent is a very special time at the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule every year: the school community has decorated the entire school for Christmas on a craft morning and every morning, lessons now begin for all children with a short break to sing and read aloud. During this time, the children also focus on how they can help other people. This can be small everyday help in the schoolyard, such as a cheerful laugh or help with homework, or support for the partner school in Uganda. Cooperation with the Gronauer Tafel food bank, which is once again initiating the Christmas parcel campaign this year, is also particularly important to the school community. As in previous years, the children of the Bernhard-Overberg-Schule diligently packed great parcels, which the group of break helpers, together with principal Maria Schmeing, handed over to Georg Gartmann and Manfred Lenz from the Gronauer Tafel.

Mare's cheeks, 6.12.2023

Just in time for St. Nicholas Day, there were delicious mare's cheeks for everyone! The Bernhard-Overberg-Schule support association surprised the whole school community with mare's pearls. Some children from the student parliament wrapped the delicious mare's cheeks in bags. These were then distributed to the classes. It was a great surprise that not only the children were very happy about!

Excursion to the Ketteler Hof on 11.9.2023

Today the whole school went on an excursion to Ketteler Hof. Five buses set off at 8.15 in the morning. All the children had an unforgettable day in glorious sunshine.

Surprise ice cream for everyone!

Today there was a surprise ice cream for all the children at school!

The Borken district sees yellow

The first weeks of school are over. All first-graders have received caps from the "Borken district sees yellow" campaign. With the caps on our heads, we shine in traffic and everyone can see us clearly.